Saheed Adeleke

Blog by Saheed Adeleke

Retirement Investing

01.02.24 12:00 AM By Saheed Adeleke - Comment(s)

Retirement planning looks much different than it did a century ago. With lifespans and retirements lasting longer, it’s not just about planning for a financial future; we must also create a post-career strategy that takes into account emotional, intellectual and quality of life challenges during lat...

How do I know which investment options are right for me?

24.11.23 10:23 PM By Saheed Adeleke - Comment(s)
How do I know which investment options are right for me?

Over the last few weeks, we’ve covered a variety of topics, including:

  • How the Dow Jones, S&P 500, and NASDAQ indices work and which companies they include.
  • How the values of these indices are calculated.
  • How stocks actually work, and how they differ from bonds.
  • ​How investment funds work, i...

What Differentiates Mutual Funds, Exchange-Traded Funds, and Hedge Funds?

17.11.23 10:20 PM By Saheed Adeleke - Comment(s)
What Differentiates Mutual Funds, Exchange-Traded Funds, and Hedge Funds?

Let’s start with mutual funds, one of the oldest and most common ways people invest. Here’s how the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) defines mutual funds:

A mutual fund is a company that pools money from many investors and invests the money in securities such as stocks, bonds, and shor...

What’s the Difference Between Passively Managed and Actively Managed Funds?

10.11.23 10:17 PM By Saheed Adeleke - Comment(s)
What’s the Difference Between Passively Managed and Actively Managed Funds?

If you’re investing in, say, an IRA, most of the fund choices you’ll see will fall under one of two categories: Passive vs Active.

Let’s start with the latter. An actively managed fund is exactly what it sounds like: A fund where a manager takes an active role in selecting which securities to ...

What’s better, stocks or bonds?

03.11.23 09:14 PM By Saheed Adeleke - Comment(s)
What’s better, stocks or bonds?

When you purchase a bond, you are essentially loaning a company, government, or organization money. When you buy stock, you are purchasing partial ownership in a company. For this reason, stocks are equity investments while bonds are debt investments. Before we answer Question #3, let’s exami...

Why is the price of the Dow so much higher than the S&P 500?

27.10.23 09:07 PM By Saheed Adeleke - Comment(s)
Why is the price of the Dow so much higher than the S&P 500?

Before we get started, do me a favor. Pick up your phone or go to your computer. Open your internet browser and search for “S&P 500.” The first result will show the current price of the index. Make a note of the number.

Next, search for “Dow Jones.”

Notice how much higher it is? As in tens ...

What’s the Difference Between the Dow, S&P 500, and NASDAQ?

20.10.23 09:03 PM By Saheed Adeleke - Comment(s)
What’s the Difference Between the Dow, S&P 500, and NASDAQ?

You hear it every day when you turn on the news – some variation of: The Dow closed at 34,000 today. The S&P closed at 4,433. The NASDAQ rose 1.6% as tech shares…

You know all those terms refer to “the stock market.” But what, exactly, do they mean? Why is the Dow always so much higher tha...

Negotiating a Great Mortgage in a High Rate Environment

10.10.23 08:58 PM By Saheed Adeleke - Comment(s)
Negotiating a Great Mortgage in a High Rate Environment

Mortgage rates have risen above 7%, leaving many buyers feeling like a reasonable mortgage is out of reach. While current rates look high compared to the ultra-low rates of the past decade, they aren't outrageous from a historical perspective. The good news is you likely have more leverage as...

Navigating Fiscal Dramas and Market Downturns: What You Need to Know

28.09.23 08:56 PM By Saheed Adeleke - Comment(s)
Navigating Fiscal Dramas and Market Downturns: What You Need to Know

The world of finance is never static. It's an ever-changing landscape that reflects the ebb and flow of economic indicators, political events, and public sentiment.

Lately, the chatter about market downturns and fiscal squabbles in Washington has reached a fever pitch. So, let's break it all d...

IRS Changes Inheritance Rules: Protecting Your Legacy

08.09.23 08:54 PM By Saheed Adeleke - Comment(s)
IRS Changes Inheritance Rules: Protecting Your Legacy

The IRS recently updated some rules about trusts that could make your heirs accidentally liable for capital gains taxes.

It's another quiet change that could severely impact families trying to maximize their legacies.

What Changed Under the New IRS Rules?

Under New IRS Rules, assets inside irrev...
